Last week we sadly lost Ollie. Tragically he was hit by a car, rushed to the vets but we had to make the devastating decision to put him down as his internal injuries were so bad. We were there at the very end, cuddling him, kissing him & crying into his fur. My poor little baby was so frightened and in so much pain, I'll never, ever forget it.
What makes our grief so much worse is the fact Ollie had only just turned 2 a few weeks earlier, and we had not even had him a full year since rescuing him. I can only hope my little prince is happy wherever he is, and that one day we will be reunited. Miffy misses her little friend so much, our house is so quiet and empty without him.
Rest in peace my lovely little Ollie, until we see each other again, when I will give you the biggest cuddle and a million kisses, I miss you so, so much. Our lives will never be the same without you x