Monday, 27 February 2012

The new baby... 

This is Ollie, or 'Shmol' as he has randomly been nicknamed. We had been looking for a friend for Miffy for a while and as fate would have it, along came her little mini-me. Ollie was also advertised in the local paper, but this time we were careful. He came from a divorce, and his owner was unable to care for him properly, so he sensibly decided to re-home him, 

Ollie is a pedigree, though we have no desire to put him in shows or breed him, his pedigree name 'Magnolia Barney' always raises a few laughs. I personally don't notice any difference between him and the supposedly non-pedigree Miffy, except maybe his fur is finer. Like introducing any new pet to your current ones, Ollie was not liked by Miffy for a while! But after Miffy's dramatic walking out of the room every time he came near her, she soon allowed him to lie within a metre of her, and now they cuddle up together!

Ollie is a delightful little dog. He is intelligent and eager to learn tricks, he is the softest, most lovable little baby when he wants to be! He seems particularly taken with my little brother, so maybe it is true what they say - that bichons pick a certain person to follow. 

Ollie's likes: playing, ALL OF THE TIME. Everything is a game with Ollie, which means you come home to find your belongings strewn across the stairs. Ollie love socks, and likes to carry one around in his mouth whenever he can. Unlike Miffy he absolutely loves getting his hair brushed (the girls at the groomers are especially fond of him!)

Ollie's dislikes: having nobody to play with, having his food in his bowl and not all over the floor, being kept on his lead during walks, losing at playing fetch with Miffy. 

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